
Grand Hotel Terminus

The conference hotel is Grand Hotel Terminus, and the neighboring hotel Zander K, which is just 20 meters from Grand Hotel Terminus.

To book with the negotated price contact one of the hotels directly, and prove them the orderinging code.

Grand Hotel Terminus
Phone.: +47 55 21 25 00
Ordering code: 026456

Hotel Zander K
Phone.: +47 55 36 20 40
Ordering code: 049156

The rate for both hotels is:

  • Single room: NOK 850 per night (~ €85)
  • Double room: NOK 1050 per night (~ €105)

NOTE: Both Terminus and Zander K is now fully booked (updated 15th Aug 2022). You need to look for other alternatives.

Other hotels

Budget alternatives:

  • Citybox – there are two hotels. The one in Bergen City is about 5 minute walk from the conference venue. The one at Danmarksplass is maybe 25 mins walk, or 4 stops with the tram.
  • Magic Hotels –  there are three hotels, all are within ~15 mins walking distance from the conference venue

Examples of other nearby hotels


There are several other hotels nearby, and it is advisable to check with booking sites such as or

The map below shows prizes at various hotels in Bergen. The red dot is the location of the conference hotel.

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